#26: No Teacher is an Island (Summer Shorts)

In some respects online teachers are islands. It’s easy to feel isolated but Dan shares some tricks to help you stay connected to your community and the resources you need.

#25: Time is on My Side (Summer Shorts)

A new showdown brewing on campus: Team Sync, Team Async, and running as an Independent candidate, Team Self-Paced. Fans of each are sorting themselves out on the sidelines and Kieran has some play-by-play commentary.

#13: Remix (Summer Shorts)

Does the room where it happens always have to be a room? Which room was once the only option. Here’s my proposal: There’s now an arsenal of content delivery options at your disposal. You don’t have to pick between a room and Zoom, a lectern or broadband. Your choices are unlimited… not OR but AND.

#12: Coming Up for Air (Summer Shorts)

Welcome to Wired Ivy… Summer Shorts! Dan here. How long can you hold your breath? For 20 million years sperm whales have had the largest brains on Earth. They are five-times larger than ours. And sperm whales are also the loudest animals — emitting nested digital clicks that can reach 235 decibels — that’s twiceContinueContinue reading “#12: Coming Up for Air (Summer Shorts)”

#11: Sync or Swim (Summer Shorts)

Welcome to Wired Ivy… Summer Shorts! Dan here, with a suggestion for swimming in the ocean of online learning. It’s summertime.  For my four-year old grandson that means roaming outdoors, digging in the garden, sleeping under the stars, and swimming.    But with the pandemic in full force, his Y has closed and his swimContinueContinue reading “#11: Sync or Swim (Summer Shorts)”

#10: What’s Your Name? (Summer Shorts)

Welcome to Wired Ivy… Summer Shorts! Kieran here with some thoughts on what we call teaching and learning that takes place outside of a brick-box classroom. When you think about it, terminology is a kind of short-hand. Having an established, defined vocabulary allows academic colleagues to discuss their discipline without having to explain what theyContinueContinue reading “#10: What’s Your Name? (Summer Shorts)”