#7: Studio Matters

Moving a lecture from face-to-face classroom to virtual conferencing is a pretty straight-forward conversion. That doesn’t mean the switch is seamless or ideal, but it is feasible. Activities that are inherently welded to synchronous delivery in a physical space, like studio and field trips… that’s a different story. Or is it? While we’re on thatContinueContinue reading “#7: Studio Matters”

#6: From Campus to Cloud

Now that many institutions have closed the book on their spring term, educators may finally have some time to catch their breath, reflect on the emergency remote instruction experience, and think about how to prepare for various teaching contingencies in the fall. What better time to talk with an experienced educator on the front lineContinueContinue reading “#6: From Campus to Cloud”

#5: Newly Minted

Olivia Marcucci offers her perspectives as a newly minted PhD who accepted a full-time faculty position with the Johns Hopkins School of Education’s online Doctor of Education program, where she teaches educational and racial equity.

#4: A Quick Pivot

Wired Ivy’s own Kieran Lindsey, whose experiences in online higher education include time as a graduate student, an instructor, and currently as program director, has seven questions new-to-online faculty should as they prepare to switch courses to remote instruction.

#3: Connecting the Dots

Last week, we talked about the value of virtual learning communities to help students and faculty feel engaged and supported. Now we’re shifting from theory to practice, sharing some of the things we’ve tried and continue to use in class. We’re hoping listeners will follow our lead and help us make this a conversation byContinueContinue reading “#3: Connecting the Dots”

#2: Community Values

In Season 1, Wired Ivy will lean into online communities — their contribution to better learning outcomes, their benefits and challenges, as well as creative ways to connect and manage virtual groups. We’ll begin with a two-part conversation; we’re calling this episode Community Values, and in Connecting the Dots we’ll share specific strategies we’ve usedContinueContinue reading “#2: Community Values”

A Textbook Case of Distance Learning

by Kieran J. Lindsey I’d like to introduce you to an educational tool you think you already know well. Your perception originates from the fact that this tool has been used in almost every class you’ve ever taken as a student and, if you’re an instructor, this tool or a variation thereof has been usedContinueContinue reading “A Textbook Case of Distance Learning”

Remote, Not Distant

by Daniel J. Marcucci, PhD COVID-19 has unexpectedly forced thousands of college instructors to pivot from classroom to cloud.  Perhaps you’re one of the thousands of educators who has years of experience teaching face-to-face but limited or no experience with online instruction. If so, we offer three broad considerations as you re-frame your course forContinueContinue reading “Remote, Not Distant”

#1: Welcome to Wired Ivy

This introductory episode is a chance to explain the Wired Ivy project and introduce ourselves and it’s also our invitation to you to become part of this community and conversation, so let’s connect! Share your thoughts and ideas with us by joining our Wired Ivy LinkedIn Group, or by tweeting us @wiredivy. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT KIERAN: ContinueContinue reading “#1: Welcome to Wired Ivy”

Preparing to Pivot

by Kieran J. Lindsey Many universities, especially the larger ones, have scheduled a full slate of training sessions to help faculty who’ve never taught remotely get up to speed. These offerings will likely include topics such as: Learning Management System (LMS) orientations Remote conferencing service orientations (for live-streaming lectures) Introduction to instructional design Accessibility considerationsContinueContinue reading “Preparing to Pivot”